Classification | ||
Ostéichthyen Perciformes Scombridae
15 genres | 54 espèces |
Références web | |
fishbase | ADW |
Etymologies | Source | |
Thunnus | Greek, thynnos = tunna | fishbase |
thynnus | ||
Gymnosarda | Greek, gymnos = naked + Greek, sarde = sardine | fishbase |
Scomberomorus | Latin, scomber = mackerel + Greek, moros = silly, stupid | fishbase |
Scombridae | Greek, skombros = tunny or mackerel | fishbase |
Sarda | Latin and Greek, sarda = sardine; name related to the island of Sardinia | fishbase |
Gymnosarda unicolor | ||
fishbase / souslesmers / / ADW / australianmuseum / bigfishesoftheworld / doris | Synonymes | Rüppell, 1836 / NE / ITIS 72469 |
2014 Komodo ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2015 Maldives ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | 2014 Komodo ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | |
1995 Saudi Arabia ©Field, Richard (via fishbase) | 2013 Maldives by Tchami (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2016 Polynesie by Hectonicus (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2017 Borneo by vranken martin (via fishbase) | Maldives ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | |
Indo & Pacifiq & Red sea | Thon dent de chien | tropical |
10-100m / 190-248 cm / 131 kg | dioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguarder | oceanodromous et pélagiq, solitaire or ptts grps (6 max) |
Gymnosarda unicolor | ||
Scomber scombrus | ||
fishbase / / cotebleue / doris | Synonymes | Linnaeus, 1758 / LC / ITIS 172414 |
aquarium (DK) ©Biopix by JC Schou (via Biopix) | 2010 Red Sea (Egypt) by Jacek Lesniowski (via Wikimedia Commons) | aquarium ©Biopix by U Westphal (via Biopix) |
aquarium (DK) ©Biopix by N Sloth (via Encyclopedia of Life) | ||
Atlantiq N | Maquereau | temperate |
0-1000m / 30-60cm / 3.4kg / 17ans | dioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguarder, batch spawner | pelagic-neritic, oceanodromous, diurne, schooling |
Scomber scombrus | ||
Scomberomorus commerson | ||
fishbase | Synonymes | Lacépède, 1800 / NT / ITIS 172441 |
Identification ?
2014 Borneo ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2014 Komodo ©Mark Rosenstein (via INaturalist) | |
PNG ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | 2015 Ningaloo Reef (Au) by Mick Haywood (via fishbase) | 2018 Raja Ampat by vranken martin (via fishbase) |
1997 Jeddah (Red Sea) ©Field, Richard (via fishbase) | 2014 Komodo by Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life) | |
Indo-WPacifiq & Red Sea & E-Méditerranée | Thazard rayé | (sub)tropical & océanodrome |
10-70m / 120-240cm / 70kg / 22ans | Eggs and larvae are pelagic | pelagiq, in waters often of low salinity and high turbidity, usually hunts solitary;
known to undertake lengthy long-shore migrations, but permanent resident populations also seem to exist |
Scomberomorus commerson | ||
Scomberomorus regalis | ||
fishbase / doris / floridamuseum | Synonymes | Bloch, 1793 / LC / ITIS 172437 |
2016 Cozumel ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2016 Cozumel ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | |
2012 Grand Cayman ©Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life) | ©Randall, John E. (via Encyclopedia of Life) | |
W-Atlantiq | Thazard atlantiq | (sub)tropical |
<20m / 183cm / 7.8kg | dioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguarder | occasionally forming schools |
Scomberomorus regalis | ||
Thunnus thynnus | ||
fishbase / / ADW / nationalgeographic / cotebleue / doris / floridamuseum / / especes-prioritaires | Synonymes | Linnaeus, 1758 / EN / ITIS 172421 |
aquarium (Osaka) by OpenCage (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2016 Argeles ©Julien Renoult (via INaturalist) | 2010 NOAA (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
2016 Cassis (Fr13) by vranken martin (via fishbase) | by Tom Puchner (via INaturalist) | |
aquarium (Osaka) by CPSH (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 1998 Sicily (It) by Danilo Cedrone (via Encyclopedia of Life) | |
E&W Atlantiq & Mediterranean & Black Sea | Thon rouge | subtropical |
0-985m / 200-458 cm / 900 kg / 40 ans | dioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguarder, batch spawner | pelagic-oceanic; oceanodromous & pelagiq, schooling, becoming rare |
Thunnus thynnus | ||
MàJ 16/03/2023