Classification |
Ostéichthyen Perciformes Carangidae
146 espèces / 4 s/familles |
Références web | |
fishbase | myreefguide |
schéma | |
Identification keys to Carangidae | |
Etymologies | Source | |
Carangiidae | french = name of fish given in Caraibe | fishbase |
Gnathanodon | Greek, gnathos = jaw + Greek, odous = teeth | |
Naucrates | Greek, naykrates = supremacy in the sea | fishbase |
pilote, conducteur de vaisseau | doris | |
Seriola | Latin word diminutive with the meaning of a large earthenware pot (ptte cruche) | fishbase |
Alectis | ||
Alectis ciliaris
2011 Abu Dhabi by Хомелка (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Alectis indica
Thailand ©Chaloklum Diving (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Alectis | ||
Carangoides | ||
Carangoides bajad
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
Carangoides caeruleopinnatus
2012 Bali by Kare Kare (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Carangoides ferdau
Rangiroa (French Polynesia) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Carangoides fulvoguttatus
1997 ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Carangoides orthogrammus
1969 Tahiti ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Carangoides | ||
Caranx | ||
Caranx ignobilis
2004 Hawaii by Dr. Dwayne Meadows NOAA/NMFS/OPR (via Wikimedia Commons) |
caranx latus
1996 ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Caranx lugubris
1996 Enewetak (Marshall Is.) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Caranx melampygus
By Bryan Harry (via Wikimedia Commons) |
Caranx ruber
2016 Playa (Yucatan) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
Caranx sexfasciatus
2010 Batangas (Philippines) ©Bailly, Nicolas (via fishbase) |
Caranx |
Gnathanodon speciosus | ||
fishbase / / doris / souslesmers / nomadica / monaconature / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Golden trevally |
Forsskål, 1775 / LC / ITIS 168753 |
2017 Durban by Brian Gratwicke (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2013 Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia) ©Parviz Tavakoli-kolour (via fishbase) | juvéniles, 1995 Lizard Island (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
1984 Jana Island (Persian Gulf/Saudi Arabia) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | 2010 aquarium (Prague) by Karelj (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2007 Coiba (Panama) by LASZLO ILYES (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2007 aquarium (Barcelone) by maveric (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2008 aquarium (Vienne) by Zoofoto! (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2010 aquarium (Canaries) by Bjoertvedt (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Indo & Pacifiq | Carangue royale | tropical |
adults with fleshy, rubbery lips; juvéniles jaunes argentés avec rayures transversales noires, bars alternating between broad and narrow; yellow fins; caudal fin lobes have dark tips; prominent black edge to the operculum; rayures disparaissent avec l'âge, becoming more silver to silvery golden and the cross bars fade then disappear, often replaced by dark blotches; fins remain yellow; dark edge of the operculum also fades with age | ||
1-2m / 75-120 cm / 15 kg
video |
nonguarder | ubiquiste; adults form schools swimming around sharks and other large fish, and also follow divers; small juveniles live among the tentacles of jellyfish |
Gnathanodon speciosus | ||
Naucrates ductor | ||
fishbase / cotebleue / / doris / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Pilotfish |
Linnaeus, 1758 / LC / ITIS 168742 |
2008 Crête (Gr) by Sarah Faulwetter (via Encyclopedia of Life) | avec Stegostoma fasciatum et remoras,
2005 Yongala Wreck (Great Barrier Reef/Au) by Richard Ling (via Wikimedia Commons) |
avec Carcharhinus longimanus,
2003 Elphinstone Reef (Egypt) by OldakQuill (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2017 Poor Knights Islands (NZ) ©Clinton Duffy (via INaturalist) | 2018 Cannes (Fr06) ©Clinton uffy (via INaturalist) | 2006 ©Johan lantz (via Wikimedia Commons) |
accompagnant Carcharhinus longimanus,
2002 Elphinstone Reef (Egypt) © (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2013 Pakistan ©Muhammad Moazzam Khan (via fishbase) | |
circumglobal | Poisson pilote | (sub)tropical |
body not strongly compressed; lateral line without scutes (excroissances); dark to pale bluish, with 6-7 broad, dark bars; white tips on caudal lobes and on second dorsal and anal lobes | ||
0-30m / 40cm (jsq 70cm) | dioecism, external fertilisation | océaniq, semi-obligate commensal relationship with sharks, rays, other bony fishes and turtles; Young are usually associated with jellyfish and drifting seaweed |
Naucrates ductor |
Selene vomer | ||
fishbase / monaconature | Synonymes
Lookdown / Lune / Poisson assiette |
Linnaeus, 1758 / LC / ITIS 168680 |
2006 aquarium (Monaco) by Milla-Maria Salo (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2007 aquarium (Salzburg) by MatthiasKabel (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2005 aquarium SanDiego ©Stan Shebs (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2007 aquarium (Salzburg) by MatthiasKabel (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2006 by Trisha Shears (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2019 Mexico ©Carlos Eduardo Simental Crespo (via INaturalist) |
W-Atlantiq | Musso panache | subtropical |
profil anguleux, losangiforme, tombant à la verticale le long de la tête; pectorales falciformes; blanc lunaire métallisé aux reflets verts, dorés; | ||
<53m / 35-48cm / 2.1kg | œufs déposés au large sur le fond, larves planctoniq en surface à l'abri de débris flottants | in shallow coastal waters in schools, but may be encountered in small groups or in pairs, nocturne (crépuscule); pt émettre des grognements si menacé |
Selene vomer |
Seriola dumerili | ||
fishbase / / doris / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Greater amberjack |
Risso, 1810 / LC / ITIS 168689 |
2016 NSW (Au) by Ian V Shaw (via fishesofaustralia) | NSW (Au) by Ian V Shaw (via fishesofaustralia) | Méditerranée ©Roberto Pillon (via fishesofaustralia) |
2012 Minorca (Sp) by Roberto Pillon (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2016 Brésil by vranken martin (via fishbase) | Hawaii ©Bryan Harry (via Wikimedia Commons) |
circumglobal | Sériole couronnée | subtropical |
bluish grey or olivaceous above, silvery white below; amber stripe along midside of body; dark fins; un trait noir traverse les yeux; lack scutes; small juveniles have clear fins and a series of bands along the body that often appear divided | ||
18-72m (1-360m) / 100-190cm / 80.6kg / 15ans | dioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguarder; eggs are pelagic | occasionally entering coastal bays; se déplace en bancs |
Seriola dumerili |
Trachinotus blochii | ||
fishbase / fishesofaustralia / doris / souslesmers / nomadica | Synonymes
Snubnose pompano |
Lacepede, 1801 / LC / ITIS 168689 |
2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | |
2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | |
2010 Seychelles by Roberto Pillon (via fishbase) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | 2010 Seychelles by Roberto Pillon (via fishbase) |
Queensland by Graham Edgar (via fishesofaustralia) | Guam by David Burdick (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2014 Maldives by Ahmed Abdul Rahman (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2000 Saudi Arabia ©Field, Richard (via fishbase) | 2000 Praslin (Seychelles) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | 2015 Lizard Is. (Au) by Ian Shaw (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Indo-WC-Pacifiq & Red Sea | Pompaneau lune | tropical |
silvery bluish-grey above, paler below, sometimes with a golden-orange tinge; juveniles are silvery with pale fins with brownish-orange lobes of median fins and anterior half of pelvic fins | ||
1-7m / 58cm (jsq 110cm) | solitary or in schools | |
Trachinotus blochii |
Trachurus mediterraneus | ||
fishbase / doris / cotebleue / guidedesespeces | Synonymes
Mediterranean horse mackerel / Chinchard à queue jaune |
Steindachner, 1868 / LC / ITIS 168590 |
2015 Fabregas (Fr83) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2015 Fabregas ©mda (Fr83) (via INaturalist) | 2016 Cassis (Fr13) ©vranken martin (via fishbase) |
2013 by Foundling (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2019 Croatie ©gerwingretschel (via INaturalist) | |
2019 Croatie ©gerwingretschel (via INaturalist) | ||
Eastern Atlantiq + Méditerranée | Chinchard méditerranéen | subtropical |
très fusiforme; pédoncule caudal est très effilé; scutelles sur ligne latéraled = plaquettes osseuses qui portent des épines acérées et dirigées vers l'arrière; ligne latérale secondaire, plus haute, s'estompe à la naissance de la deuxième dorsale | ||
5-250m (jsq 500m) / 30-60cm | pelagic and migratory in large schools, usually near the bottom | |
Trachurus mediterraneus | ||
MàJ 14/03/2023