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Ugly swans

Neoglyphidodon sp.






  • Pomacentrinae
    • Abudefduf
    • Ambyglyphidodon
    • Amblypomacentrus
    • Chromis
    • Chrysiptera
    • Dascyllus
    • Dischistodus
    • Neoglyphidodon
    • Neopomacentrus
    • Pomacentrus
  • Amphiprioninae
9 espèces
This genus is notable for their beauty as juveniles, turning to drab adults (wetwebmedia)
Neoglyphidodon melas
fishbase / aquaportail / souslesmers / en.wiki / fishesofaustralia / nomadica / reeflifesurvey Synonymes
Bowtie damselfish / black damsel / bluefin or royal damsel
Cuvier, 1830 / NE / ITIS 613227
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2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) 2017 Philippines by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) 2016 Raja Ampat ©Mark Rosenstein (via fishesofaustralia)
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Ningaloo (Au) by Rick Stuart-Smith (via fishesofaustralia) juvénile, Okinawa by Klaus Stiefel (via fishesofaustralia) 2015 Ningaloo (Au) by John Turnbull (via fishesofaustralia)
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juvénile, by OpenCage (via Wikimedia Commons) juvénile, 2013 Cebu (Philippines) ©Carmelo López Abad (via Encyclopedia of Life) 2015 Exmouth (Au) by John Sear (via Encyclopedia of Life)
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1999 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) ©Field, Richard (via fishbase) juvénile, 2009 Egypte Wadi Gimal by Gianemilio Rusconi (via fishbase) juvénile, Batangas Luzon (Philippines) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase)
Indo & W Pacifiq & Red sea Demoiselle noiretropical
adults blueish black; juveniles mostly pale blue with a yellow dorsal surface; blue pelvic and anal fins with black interior rays
1-12m / 15-18 cm / 6 ans ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding; eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate; males guard and aerate the eggs singly or in pairs , near Tridacna clams and may feed on their feces
Neoglyphidodon melas
Neoglyphidodon nigroris
fishbase / recif-france / liveaquaria / animal-world / en.wiki / fishesofaustralia / reeflifesurvey Synonymes
Scarface Damsel / Black & yellow damsel / Black-and-gold chromis / Behn's damsel / Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis
Cuvier, 1830 / NE / ITIS 613240
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2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) 2019 Indonesia by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) juvénile, 2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons)
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2018 Lembeh by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) Banda Aceh (ID) by Graham Edgar (via fishesofaustralia) juvénile, Queensland (Au) by Rick Stuart-Smith (via fishesofaustralia)
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2017 Philippines by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) 2009 Great Barrier (Au) by LCDR Eric Johnson, NOAA (via Wikimedia Commons) juvénile, Micronésie by Dr. James P. McVey NOAA (via Wikimedia Commons)
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Philippines ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) juvénile, Lizard Island (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) Flores (Indonesia) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase)
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jeune, 1974 Truk Lagoon Reef (Chuuk-PNG) by Dr.James P. McVey NOAA (via Wikimedia Commons) 2002 Great Barrier (Au) by Erik Schlogl (via Encyclopedia of Life) 2013 Bitung (Sulawesi) by Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life)
Indo & W Pacifiq & N Australia Demoiselle bicoloretropical
pointy-finned juvenile, yellow with two long & broad horizontal black bars; changes color to grayish brown in front and dusky yellow towards the back as an adult;
2-23m / 6 cm ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding; eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate; males guard and aerate the eggs usually solitary; aggressif
Neoglyphidodon nigroris
Neoglyphidodon polyacanthus
fishbase / en.wiki / fishesofaustralia / reeflifesurvey Synonymes
Yellowtail demoiselle
Ogilby, 1889 / NE / ITIS 615137
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2010 Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea by Graham Edgar (via Wikimedia Commons) 2009 Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea by Andrew J. Green (via Wikimedia Commons) juvénile, 2010 Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea by Graham Edgar (via Wikimedia Commons)
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2016 NSW (Au) by John Turnbull (via fishesofaustralia) 2010 Tasman Sea (Au) by Ian V Shaw (via fishesofaustralia) juvénile, 2010 Tasman Sea (Au) by Erik Schlogl (via fishesofaustralia)
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Norfolk Is. (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) intermédiaire, Norfolk Is. (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) juvénile, Norfolk Is. (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase)
W-PacifiqMultispine damselfishtropical
adult: dark with yellow pectoral fin and yellow area around mouth; juvenile yellow/orange with neon blue markings
2-30m / 12cm ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding; eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate; males guard and aerate the eggs outside the lagoon, usually in deeper surge channels
Neoglyphidodon polyacanthus
Neoglyphidodon thoracotaeniatus
fishbase / en.wiki / nomadica / reeflifesurvey / souslesmers Synonymes
Barhead damsel
Fowler & Bean, 1928 / NE / ITIS 615117
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2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) juvénile, 2018 Lembeh (Sulawesi) by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) 2015 Komodo by Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life)
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2019 Lord Howe Island (Tasman Sea) ©jeyre (via INaturalist) 2017 Norfolk Island (Au) ©mscott (via INaturalist) 2017 Norfolk Island (Au)  ©mscott (via INaturalist)
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N-Sulawesi by Jim Greenfield (via Encyclopedia of Life) 2012 Raja Ampat by David R (via Encyclopedia of Life) 2018 Lembeh (Sulawesi) by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons)
Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, & Solomon Islands Demoiselle à tête barréeTropical
adults: black with a white area extending from its eye to the pectoral fin in the bottom & 3 vertical dark bands in their front; juveniles: same pattern but yellow; around their dorsal fin, a dark spot; turquoise lines around their dark spot that extends to the eyes
10-45m / 13.5cm ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding; eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate; males guard and aerate the eggs occur in small groups, adults may swim high above to feed
Neoglyphidodon thoracotaeniatus

MàJ 15/03/2023

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