Classification |
Ostéichthyen Perciformes Pomacentridae
9 espèces |
This genus is notable for their beauty as juveniles, turning to drab adults (wetwebmedia) |
Neoglyphidodon melas | ||
fishbase / aquaportail / souslesmers / / fishesofaustralia / nomadica / reeflifesurvey | Synonymes
Bowtie damselfish / black damsel / bluefin or royal damsel |
Cuvier, 1830 / NE / ITIS 613227 |
2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2017 Philippines by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2016 Raja Ampat ©Mark Rosenstein (via fishesofaustralia) |
Ningaloo (Au) by Rick Stuart-Smith (via fishesofaustralia) | juvénile, Okinawa by Klaus Stiefel (via fishesofaustralia) | 2015 Ningaloo (Au) by John Turnbull (via fishesofaustralia) |
juvénile, by OpenCage (via Wikimedia Commons) | juvénile, 2013 Cebu (Philippines) ©Carmelo López Abad (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2015 Exmouth (Au) by John Sear (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
1999 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) ©Field, Richard (via fishbase) | juvénile, 2009 Egypte Wadi Gimal by Gianemilio Rusconi (via fishbase) | juvénile, Batangas Luzon (Philippines) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Indo & W Pacifiq & Red sea | Demoiselle noire | tropical |
adults blueish black; juveniles mostly pale blue with a yellow dorsal surface; blue pelvic and anal fins with black interior rays | ||
1-12m / 15-18 cm / 6 ans | ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding; eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate; males guard and aerate the eggs | singly or in pairs , near Tridacna clams and may feed on their feces |
Neoglyphidodon melas |
Neoglyphidodon nigroris | ||
fishbase / recif-france / liveaquaria / animal-world / / fishesofaustralia / reeflifesurvey | Synonymes
Scarface Damsel / Black & yellow damsel / Black-and-gold chromis / Behn's damsel / Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis |
Cuvier, 1830 / NE / ITIS 613240 |
2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2019 Indonesia by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | juvénile, 2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2018 Lembeh by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | Banda Aceh (ID) by Graham Edgar (via fishesofaustralia) | juvénile, Queensland (Au) by Rick Stuart-Smith (via fishesofaustralia) |
2017 Philippines by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2009 Great Barrier (Au) by LCDR Eric Johnson, NOAA (via Wikimedia Commons) | juvénile, Micronésie by Dr. James P. McVey NOAA (via Wikimedia Commons) |
Philippines ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | juvénile, Lizard Island (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | Flores (Indonesia) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
jeune, 1974 Truk Lagoon Reef (Chuuk-PNG) by Dr.James P. McVey NOAA (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2002 Great Barrier (Au) by Erik Schlogl (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2013 Bitung (Sulawesi) by Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Indo & W Pacifiq & N Australia | Demoiselle bicolore | tropical |
pointy-finned juvenile, yellow with two long & broad horizontal black bars; changes color to grayish brown in front and dusky yellow towards the back as an adult; | ||
2-23m / 6 cm | ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding; eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate; males guard and aerate the eggs | usually solitary; aggressif |
Neoglyphidodon nigroris |
Neoglyphidodon polyacanthus | ||
fishbase / / fishesofaustralia / reeflifesurvey | Synonymes
Yellowtail demoiselle |
Ogilby, 1889 / NE / ITIS 615137 |
2010 Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea by Graham Edgar (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2009 Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea by Andrew J. Green (via Wikimedia Commons) | juvénile, 2010 Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea by Graham Edgar (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2016 NSW (Au) by John Turnbull (via fishesofaustralia) | 2010 Tasman Sea (Au) by Ian V Shaw (via fishesofaustralia) | juvénile, 2010 Tasman Sea (Au) by Erik Schlogl (via fishesofaustralia) |
Norfolk Is. (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | intermédiaire, Norfolk Is. (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | juvénile, Norfolk Is. (Au) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
W-Pacifiq | Multispine damselfish | tropical |
adult: dark with yellow pectoral fin and yellow area around mouth; juvenile yellow/orange with neon blue markings | ||
2-30m / 12cm | ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding; eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate; males guard and aerate the eggs | outside the lagoon, usually in deeper surge channels |
Neoglyphidodon polyacanthus |
Neoglyphidodon thoracotaeniatus | ||
fishbase / / nomadica / reeflifesurvey / souslesmers | Synonymes
Barhead damsel |
Fowler & Bean, 1928 / NE / ITIS 615117 |
2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | juvénile, 2018 Lembeh (Sulawesi) by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2015 Komodo by Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
2019 Lord Howe Island (Tasman Sea) ©jeyre (via INaturalist) | 2017 Norfolk Island (Au) ©mscott (via INaturalist) | 2017 Norfolk Island (Au) ©mscott (via INaturalist) |
N-Sulawesi by Jim Greenfield (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2012 Raja Ampat by David R (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2018 Lembeh (Sulawesi) by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) |
Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, & Solomon Islands | Demoiselle à tête barrée | Tropical |
adults: black with a white area extending from its eye to the pectoral fin in the bottom & 3 vertical dark bands in their front; juveniles: same pattern but yellow; around their dorsal fin, a dark spot; turquoise lines around their dark spot that extends to the eyes | ||
10-45m / 13.5cm | ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding; eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate; males guard and aerate the eggs | occur in small groups, adults may swim high above to feed |
Neoglyphidodon thoracotaeniatus | ||
MàJ 15/03/2023