Pardachirus marmoratus |
fishbase /
souslesmers / /
liboupat2 |
Finless sole / Sole de lait |
Lacépède, 1802 /
NE /
173048 |
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
1997 Jeddah ©Field, Richard
(via fishbase) |
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
1995 Red sea ©Randall, John E.
(via fishbase) |
Barbades by Mike Nembard
(via fishbase) |
2002 Oman ©Field, Richard
(via fishbase) |
2002 Oman ©Field, Richard
(via fishbase) |
2015 Réunion ©Philippe Bourjon
(via Encyclopedia of Life) |
2009 by Víctor Cebollada
(via Wikimedia Commons) |
Barbades by Mike Nembard
(via fishbase) |
1995 Mer Rouge by Christian-wittmann-1964
(via Wikimedia Commons) |
2018 Egypt ©Lesley Clements
(via INaturalist) |
2017 Kenya ©Ewout Knoester
(via INaturalist) |
Indian & Red sea |
Sole de Moïse | tropical |
highly compressed body is convex on the eyed side and flat on the blind side;
face pigmentée marbrée en harmonie avec l'environnement (plutôt pâle);
qq taches ocellées dt une plus grosse sur le "pédoncule" caudal |
<15m / 20-26cm | |
in sandy or muddy bottoms where it spend the day buried in the sand with only its eyes and nostrils visible |
Pardachirus marmoratus |
Pardachirus pavoninus |
fishbase /
doris /
souslesmers /
fishesofaustralia |
Peacock sole / sole ocellée / semelle paon |
Lacépède, 1802 /
LC /
173049 |
2016 by Vcebollada
(via Wikimedia Commons) |
2009 Lembeh by Bernard DUPONT
(via Wikimedia Commons) |
2019 Lembeh ©desertnaturalist
(via INaturalist) |
2013 Bitung (Sulawesi) by Mark Rosenstein
(via INaturalist) |
2016 Raja Ampat by Mark Rosenstein
(via INaturalist) |
2016 Thailand by Sahat Ratmuangkhwang
(via fishbase) |
2019 Anilao (Ph) by Scott Johnson
(via fishbase) |
2009 Lembeh by Bernard DUPONT
(via Wikimedia Commons) |
Indo & Pacifiq |
Sole paon | tropical |
dorsal and anal fins separate from caudal fin; pectoral fins absent; pelvic fins unequal;
reddish brown, densely spotted on head; body and fins of ocular surface also with spots of various sizes and shapes,
bordered by a dark rim and some with a blackish spot on center |
2-40m / 12-25 cm | |
on sand and mud bottoms; burries itself in the sand |
Pardachirus pavoninus |
Solea solea |
fishbase /
doris /
mer-littoral /
souslesmers / /
cotebleue |
Solea vulgaris / Common sole |
Linnaeus, 1758 /
DD /
173002 |
2019 Vendée (Fr85) by Julien Renoult
(via INaturalist) |
aquarium (DK) by JC Schou
(©Biopix) |
aquarium (DK) by JC Schou
(©Biopix) |
2004 aquarium (Portugal) by Júlio Reis
(via Wikimedia Commons) |
2007 by Appaloosa
(via Wikimedia Commons) |
2007 by Appaloosa
(via Wikimedia Commons) |
2019 Vendée (Fr85) by Julien Renoult
(via INaturalist) |
aquarium (DK) by JC Schou
(©Biopix) |
aquarium (DK) by JC Schou
(©Biopix) |
E-Atlantiq, Méditerranean & Baltik |
Sole commune | tempéré à subtropical |
body oval, flat and asymmetric; eyes located on right side of head,
except in reversed individuals; opercle entirely scaled; mouth arched and inferior; dorsal and anal fins
lacking spinous rays and united to caudal fin by well-developed membrane; caudal peduncle distinct;
straight part of lateral line visible; body marbré ou ponctué; couleur selon environnement;
tache sombre située à l'arrière et vers le haut de la nageoire pectorale; frange sombre souvent
à l'extrémité de la caudale; face aveugle blanchâtre |
10-60m (jsq 150m) / 35-70cm / 0.7-3kg / 26ans |
larve d'abord semblable à celle d'un poisson classique; après la métamorphose, les jeunes (taille ~15mm),
dissymétriques, recherchent les eaux littorales |
oceanodrome, solitaire; burrow into sandy and muddy bottoms |
Solea solea |