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Herrings, Anchovy...





  • Clupeidae (herrings, shads, sardines...)
    • Clupea
    • Sardina
    • Alosa
  • Engraulidae (anchovies)
    • Engraulis
6 familles392 espèces
Références web


  • taille adulte: 2.5cm à 57cm
  • no lateral line
  • generally silvery fish with streamlined, spindle-shaped, bodies
  • form large schools
  • most eat plankton which they filter from the water with their gill rakers that serve as straining devices.
  • recessus lateralis present (part of the otophysic connection in which various sensory canals merge within a chamber in the otic region of the neurocranium, not known from any other group)
  • parasphenoid teeth absent
  • no large foramen on the anterior ceratohyal
  • parietals separated by the supraoccipital
  • no leptocephalous larvae
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Identification keys to Clupeidae Identification keys to Engraulidae
Etymologies Source
Clupeidae Latin, clupea = sardine derived from Clupeus = shield; doubtless a reference to the scales covering the body of the fish fishbase
Engraulidae Greek, eggraulis = anchovy fishbase
Alosa alosa
fishbase / fr.wiki / doris / logrami Synonymes
Allis shad / Grande alose
Linnaeus, 1758 / LC / ITIS 161708
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2007 aquarium (Baltimore) by David J. Stang   (via Wikimedia Commons) 2007 aquarium (Baltimore) by David J. Stang   (via Wikimedia Commons)  
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By Unknown (via Wikimedia Commons) 1997 by Krüger (via Wikimedia Commons)
NE-Atlantic, Baltiq & Méditerranée Alose vraietemperate
Upper jaw with a distinct median notch, lower jaw fitting into it; gillrakers long, thin and numerous; dark spot posterior to gill opening, but sometimes absent, occasionally 1 or 2 more spots;
10-300m / 45-50cm (jsq 70cm) / 4kg / 10ans dioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguarder, 1xds une vie Amphihaline, schooling and strongly migratory (jsq700km)
Alosa alosa
Clupea harengus
fishbase / irelandswildlife / chtipecheur / fr.wiki Synonymes
Atlantic herring
Linnaeus, 1758 / LC / ITIS
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2018 USA ©Jonathan Layman (via INaturalist) Les Sables-d'Olonne (Fr85) by Julien Renoult (via INaturalist) 2016 Iceland ©Bob Meewis (via INaturalist)
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aquarium (DK)by N Sloth (©Biopix) aquarium (DK) ©Biopix by JC Schou (©Biopix) Korean by Uwe Kils (via fishbase)
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adulte, 2004 by Uwe Kils [GNU] (via Wikimedia Commons) aquarium (DK)by N Sloth (©Biopix)
E&WN-Atlantiq & Baltiq Harengtemperate
scutes (écailles) without prominent keel; no median notch in upper jaw; operculum without radiating bony striae; the posterior border of its gill opening is evenly rounded; blue to greenish-blue dorsally, becoming silvery ventrally; no distinctive dark spots on the body or fins
<200m (jsq364m) / 30-45cm / <1,1kg / 25ans dioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguarderschooling, benthopelagiq, océandrome
Clupea harengus
Engraulis encrasicolus
fishbase / fr.wiki / doris / cotebleue Synonymes
European anchovy
Linnaeus, 1758 / LC / ITIS 161831
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2016 Portugal ©Duarte Frade (via INaturalist) 2008 Liguria (It) by Alessandro Duci (via fishbase) 2008 Liguria (It) by Alessandro Duci (via fishbase)
E-Atlantiq, N&S-Méditerranée & Black Sea Anchoissubtropical
snout pointed; maxilla short, tip blunt, reaching almost to front border of pre-operculum, not projecting beyond tip of second supra-maxilla; tip of lower jaw reaching almost to below nostril; gill rakers (branchies) present on hind face of third epibranchial; silver stripe along flank, disappearing with age
<400m / 13-20cm / 5ansdioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguarder large schools, tolerates salinities of 5-41ppt
Engraulis encrasicolus
Sardina pilchardus
fishbase / doris / aquaportail / en.wiki Synonymes
European pilchard
Walbaum, 1792 / LC / CITES 115941
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Liguria (It) by Alessandro Duci (via Wikimedia Commons) 2011 aquarium by Citron (via Wikimedia Commons) 2009 Vrtlac (Dalmatia/Croatia) by Christoph Hübner (via fishbase)
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2019 Macedoine by RPillon (via INaturalist) 2014  Tulum (Yucatan) ©dustywings (via Encyclopedia of Life) 2016 Finistère (Bretagne) by Julien Renoult (via Encyclopedia of Life)
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Liguria (It) by Alessandro Duci (via fishbase) 2011 Sardegna (It) by Roberto Pillon (via fishbase) 2011 Sardegna (It) by Roberto Pillon (via fishbase)
E-Atlantiq, W-Méditerranée + Black Sea & Marmara Sea Sardinesubtropical
body sub-cylindrical, belly rather rounded (but more compressed in juveniles); hind (arrière) margin of gill opening smoothly rounded (without fleshy outgrowths); 3-5 distinct body striae radiating downward on lower part of operculum; lower gill rakers not becoming shorter at angle of first gill arch, the upper series not overlapping the lower
10-100m / 20-27cm / 15ansdioecism, fécondation externe, openwater, nonguader schooling, littoral species
Sardina pilchardus

MàJ 13/03/2023

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