Classification | |
Ostéichthyen Tétraodontiforme Balistidae
12 genres | 42 espèces |
Références web | |
fishbase | marinelifephotography
FAO (.pdf) |
Genres | Etymologies | Source |
Balistes | Greek, balein = to throw // Latin, balista = arbalétrier | fishbase |
baliste (machine de guerre antique projetant des pierres), en référence à la première épine dorsale qui se redresse rapidement quand l'animal est menacé. | doris | |
Melichthys | Greek,melis, -itos = honey, a sweet thing + Greek, ichthys = fish | fishbase |
Odonus | grec [odous] = dent | doris |
Abalistes stellaris (stellatus) | ||
fishbase / monaconature / / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Abalistes stellatus Starry triggerfish |
Bloch & Schneider, 1801 / NE / ITIS 646167 |
2014 Lankayan (Borneo) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2014 Lankayan (Borneo) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2014 Lankayan (Borneo) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2009 by Izuzuki (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2000 PNG ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | 1978 (aquarium) Philippines ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Indo-WPacifiq & Red Sea & SE-Atlantic | Baliste étoilé | tropical |
ovoïde; anale et seconde dorsale +basses que les autres balistes; pédoncule caudal +lg & fin; 1 rainure caractéristique s’observe à proximité des yeux; verdâtre-brun (+sombre sur le dos, + olivâtre sur flancs), avec 2 ou 3 gros points blcs entrecoupés de ptts pts blcs; nageoires, translucides ou pâles, sont décorées de points et de lignes sombres; souvent une bande horizontale claire au-dessus des nageoires pectorales sur les flancs | ||
40-100m / 40-60cm
video |
dioecism, ovipare, distinct pairing during breeding, monogame, fécondation externe, guarder, nester | demersal, amphidrome, over muddy and sandy bottoms & around reefs; solitaire ou ptts grps |
Abalistes stellaris (stellatus) |
Balistapus undulatus | ||
fishbase / souslesmers / doris / reef-guardian / / Animal-World / / WWM / australianmuseum / monaconature / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Orange-lined triggerfish |
Park, 1797 / NE / ITIS 173218 |
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) (via INaturalist) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2010 Egypt ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2019 Cabilao (Ph) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2009 Bali ©mda (via INaturalist) |
1997 Maldives ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | |
2011 Brothers (Red Sea) by Derek Keats (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2010 aquarium (UK) by Tony Hisgett (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2006 Maldives by Jan Derk (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2011 Fiji by Paul Asman & Jill Lenoble (via Wikimedia Commons) | 1996 Red Sea by Richard Field (via fishbase) | 2012 2011 Mirihi (Maldives) ©Rainer Kretzberg (via fishbase) |
2008 aquarium (Nausicaa) ©Hans Hillewaert (via Wikimedia Commons) | préparant son nid,
2015 Sri Lanka by Chamaeleo (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
avec Chromis viridis et Dascyllus aruanus,
2006 Fihalhohi (Maldives) ©Jan Derk (via Wikimedia Commons) |
1997 Red Sea ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | 2009 Huvafen fushi (Maldives) by Richard Field (via fishbase) | 1999 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) by Richard Field (via fishbase) |
Indo-Pacifiq & N-WAustralie | Baliste strié | tropical |
front of eye without the elongate groove; enlarged scales above the pectoral-fin base
and just behind the gill opening to form a flexible tympanum; slightly rounded caudal fin with compressed peduncle;
head and body colour green to brown with diagonally curved orange lines and a large round black blotch covering most of the caudal-fin base; rays of soft dorsal, anal and pectoral fins orange and also the caudal fin | ||
2-15m (jsq 50m) / 26 cm (jsq 30cm) / >12ans | dioecism, monogamy, fécondation externe, nesting in sand or gravel, guarding (<femelle), éclosion de nuit | solitaire et territorial, timide mais agressif si nesting & guarding, traumatogenic potentiellement |
Balistapus undulatus |
Balistes capriscus | ||
fishbase / aquaportail / mer-littoral / / doris / monaconature | Synonymes
Grey triggerfish |
Gmelin, 1789 / VU / ITIS 173138 |
2018 Piombino (It) by Assianir (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2009 Canaries by Philippe Guillaume (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2012 by Max Ryazanov (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2005 aquarium (Virginia Institute of Marine Science) ©AmishCellPhone (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2012 aquarium (Mallorca) by Bajoelma (via Encyclopedia of Life) | juvénile, 1995 Cozumel (Yuctan) by Bernard DUPONT (via Wikimedia Commons) |
Atlantique E&W & Méditerranée | Baliste cabri | subtropical |
ovale; small mouth ; oeil petit; caudale en croissant; gris avec 3 faint irregular broad dark bars on body; narrow pale transverse band on chin; small light blue spots on upper half of body and median fins; irregular short lines ventrally | ||
0-55m (jsq 100m) / 44-60 cm - 6.2 kg | ovipare, dioeciscm, nesting <femelle, guarding<mâle, ovipare, fécondation externe | solitaire ou ptt grp, diurne, craintif; may drift with young at surface among Sargassum |
Balistes capriscus |
Balistes polylepis | ||
fishbase / marinelifephotography / aquaticcommunity / discoverlife | Synonymes
Finescale triggerfish |
Steindachner, 1876 / LC / ITIS 173140 |
2014 Galapagos by Carmelo Lopez Abad (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2017 Mer de Cortez (Mexiq) by Ken Bosma (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 1975 Oahu (Hawaï)©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Hawaii by Robert Fenner (via fishbase) | Galapagos by Robert Fenner (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2008 Aquarium (CA) by Davefoc (via Wikimedia Commons) |
E-Pacifiq | Baliste coche | subtropical |
café oliva a gris-azul pálido; sin marcas distintivas en el cuerpo ni en las aletas | ||
3-36m / 50 cm (jsq 76 cm) / 7ans | solitaire ou ptts grps, demersal | demersal (young pelagic); in rocky reefs |
Balistes polylepis |
Balistes vetula | ||
reef guardian / doris / fishbase / animal-world / monaconature | Synonymes
Queen triggerfish |
Linnaeus, 1758 / NT / ITIS 173139 |
2016 Cozumel ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2016 Cozumel ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2007 by Johnmartindavies (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Belize ©Clark Anderson (Aquaimages) (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2011 Belize by yorchagomez (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2013 Belize ©callieoldfield (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
2003 Eastcoast (Cayman Is.) by Rainer Mau (via fishbase) | juvénile, 2010 Grenadines by Barry Peters (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2011 Bahamas by Mark Peter (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
E&W-Atlantiq | Baliste royal | tropical |
yeux placés haut sur la tête; queue en forme de croissant avec des marges allongées chez les adultes; gorge jaune avec 2 traits lumineux bleus au-dessus de la bouche; lèvres cerclées de bleu; body avec zones de bleu, violet, vert et turquoise, selon la zone, l’humeur et l’âge du poisson | ||
3-30m (jsq 275m) / 30cm (jsq 60cm) / 5.4kg / 15-20ans | dioecism, haremic, nesting, guarding | démersal, ptts grps ou solitaire, diurne, timide ms agressif si nesting |
Balistes vetula |
Balistoides conspicillum | ||
fishbase / souslesmers / aquaportail / doris / / monaconature / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Clown triggerfish |
Bloch & Schneider, 1801 / NE / ITIS 173225 |
2011 Raja Ampat ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2014 Komodo ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2011 Raja Ampat ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2008 NCal ©manu (via GooglePhotos) | 2011 Raja Ampat ©JMP (via GooglePhotos) | 2011 Raja Ampat ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2014 Komodo ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2014 Komodo ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2005 aquarium (SFrancisco/US) ©Stan Shebs (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2007 aquarium (Pittsburgh/US) by Derek Ramsey (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2006 Osprey Reef (Au) by Richard Ling (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2010 South-Ari atoll (Maldives) by Jacques MERCIER (via fishbase) | juvénile, 2018 Raja Ampat ©craigjhowe (via INaturalist) | 2009 aquarium (Karlsruhe) by H. Zell (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2012 aquarium by Brian Gratwicke (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2013 Maldives by MDC Seamarc (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2012 aquarium (Slovaquie) by Szilas (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2006 Bunaken by Jenny (JennyHuang) (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 1995 Manuk Banda Sea (Indonesia) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | unusual color form, 1994 Kwajalein Atoll (Marshall Is) by Scott Johnson (via fishbase) |
Indo-WPacifiq / N-WAustralie | Baliste clown | tropical |
plat et ovale; qq épines, modestes, alignés en deux rangées sur le pédoncule caudal; anale et seconde dorsale symétriques bien en arrière; pattern exact uniq / individu: de marron à bleu-noir; taches rondes blanches caractéristiques sur ventre & flancs; museau jaune-orange ourlé de noir et de blanc; selle dorsale à taches et dessins sombres sur un fond jaune; caudale, initialement tachetée, puis large bande jaunâtre entre 2 bandes noires; sous et entre les 2 yeux, bande jaunâtre en V évasé; juvéniles avec grosses taches blanches sur tout le corps | ||
1-75m / 30cm (jsq 50cm) / >10ans video |
dioecism, monogamy, distinct pairing, fécondation externe, nest built by female and then guarded by male (ou l'inverse selon sources!) | rare, diurne, solitaire et très territorial, haremic en période de repro; creuse le corail pour se cacher des prédateurs |
Balistoides conspicillum |
Balistoides viridescens | ||
fishbase / doris / souslesmers / aquaportail / australianmuseum / monaconature / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Giant triggerfish / Baliste olivâtre |
Bloch & Schneider, 1801 / NE / ITIS 173224 |
2019 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2009 Bali ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2009 St-Leu (Réunion) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
Construisant son nid,
2009 Mauritius ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2014 Komodo ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2014 Komodo ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2009 St-Leu (Réunion) ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | 2014 Komodo ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | 2009 Mauritius ©mda (via GooglePhotos) |
2015 Similan (Thailand) by Markevich A.I. (via fishbase) | 2014 by Hatem Moushir (via Wikimedia Commons) | 1998 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) ©Field, Richard (via fishbase) |
2008 Maldives by Uxbona (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2006 by Leonard Low (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2008 by Paipateroma (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2011 Australie by Lesley Clements (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 1996 Bali ©WorldFish Center-FishBase by Randall, John E. (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2007 Bathala (Maldives) by Gianemilio Rusconi (via fishbase) |
Indo & Pacifiq & Mer Rouge | Baliste titan | tropical |
plat et ovale; très grosses dents souvent visibles; joues jaunes;
sorte de moustache sombre; gorge et pédoncule caudal blancs; verdâtre ponctué de noir; nageoires brun-jaunâtres ou
rougeâtres avec le bord sombre;
juvénile: clair ponctué de noir avec un masque noir & 2-3 selles noires | ||
1-50m / 75cm (jsq 85cm)
video |
ovipare, dioecism, fécondation externe, nesting<mâle, guarding & ventilating<2 parents; | in calm waters, solitaire ou couple, actif & agressif, très territorial (zone en forme de cône, pointe en bas); svt vu tête en bas (nesting or eating) |
Balistoides viridescens |
Melichthys niger | ||
fishbase / jungledragon / aqua-plongee / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Black triggerfish / Black durgon |
Bloch, 1786 / LC / ITIS 173174 |
2016 Cozumel ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2016 Cozumel ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2016 Yucatan ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2008 Hawaii by Brocken Inaglory (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2010 by lowjumpingfrog (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2010 Bahamas by James St. John (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2007 by Johnmartindavies (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2012 Cayman ©Mark Rosenstein (via INaturalist) | 1996 ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
aquarium, Hawaii ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | 2012 Cayman ©Mark Rosenstein (via INaturalist) | 2011 Bonaire ©Michael McVicar (via fishbase) |
circumtropical | Baliste noir | tropical |
deep groove in front of eye; slightly rounded to double emarginate caudal fin; thin white bar base of 2nd orsal and anal fins & neat posterior margin of the caudal fin; black spots on scales forming lines | ||
2-20m (jsq 75m) / 30-50cm
video |
dioecism, fécondation externe, ovipare monogame, distinct pairing | benthopelagic, solitaire (sauf feeding); eat primarily calcareous algae and zooplankton; |
Melichthys niger |
Odonus niger | ||
fishbase / souslesmers / aquaportail / liveaquaria / doris / WWMedia / fishlore / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Red-toothed triggerfish / Niger Triggerfish |
Rüppell, 1836 / NE / ITIS 173222 |
2019 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2019 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2019 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2012 Bunaken (Sulawesi) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2017 Soudan ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2009 Bali ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2012 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2016 Oman ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2012 Bunaken (Sulawesi) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2011 Raja Ampat ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2016 Oman ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2016 Oman ©mda (via GooglePhotos) |
2020 Réunion ©thierrycordenos (via INaturalist) | 2009 Bali ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | 2011 Raja Ampat ©mda (via GooglePhotos) |
2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2012 Hawaii by David R (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2019 Raja Ampat by Rickard Zerpe (via Wikimedia Commons) |
2015 Thailand by Markevich A.I (via fishbase) | 2015 Bali by Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 1995 Maldives ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
2009 Ellaidhoo (Maldives) by Gianemilio Rusconi (via fishbase) | 2010 El Fanadir South (Egypt) by Joe De Vroe (via fishbase) | 2006 Fihalhohi (Maldives) ©Janderk (via Wikimedia Commons) |
1997 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) by Richard Field (via fishbase) | 2014 Maldives ©Frédéric Ducarme (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2000 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) by Richard Field (via fishbase) |
Indo-Pacifiq tropical & Mer rouge | Baliste bleu | tropical |
between purple, blue and blue/green with a striking, lighter blue highlight on the fins and long tail lobes; joues +claires; 2 lignes plus foncées entre les yeux et la bouche et une entre les pectorales et la bouche; when adult, acquire bright red teeth; caudale en forme de lyre très effilée | ||
5-40m / 30-50cm / 15-20ans | dioecism, fécondation externe, ovulipare; distinct pairing, nesting (<mâle) guarding & tending (both parents) | schooling, actif et peu farouche; in current-swept seaward coral reefs; feed on zooplankton as well as sponges; |
Odonus niger |
Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus | ||
fishbase / doris / récif-france / souslesmers / australianmuseum / monaconature / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Yellowmargin triggerfish |
Rüppell, 1829 / NE / ITIS 173201 |
2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via GooglePgotos) | 2019 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2019 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2015 Maldives ©mda (via INaturalist) | |
2015 Maldives by Julien Bidet (via Wikimedia Commons) | 2006 Maayafushi (Maldives) by Gianemilio Rusconi (via fishbase) | 2015 Maldives by Lesley Clements (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
2011 Mirihi (Maldives) by Rainer Kretzberg (via fishbase) | juvénile, 2015 Maldives by Gianemilio Rusconi (via fishbase) | 2016 Maldives ©Trevor Meyer (via fishbase) |
2016 Fiji by Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2006 Maayafushi (Maldives) by Gianemilio Rusconi (via fishbase) | 2011 Mirihi (Maldives) by Rainer Kretzberg (via fishbase) |
2001 Indian Ocean by Alexander Kastler (via Wikimedia Commons) | 1995 Red Sea ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) | 2011 aquarium (Paris) by Mathieu Sontag (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Indo-Pacifiq W & Mer rouge | Baliste à marges jaunes | tropical |
body pale (gris-vert), bouche et joues rose orangé, dépourvues d'écailles;
marge de la nageoire anale, caudale et deuxième dorsale orange;
juvéniles à ventre jaune ponctué de bleu ou de noir et dos blanc avec des bandes noires | ||
2-50m / <60cm | dioecism, ovipare, fécondation externe, nesting<mâle in sand or gravel (depressions up to 2 m wide and 0.7 m deep), biparental care: Only females tend the eggs but both parents keep guard | solitaire ou couple, timide ms agressif (si nesting) |
Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus |
Pseudobalistes fuscus | ||
fishbase / doris / souslesmers / bluezooaquatics / australianmuseum / fishesofaustralia | Synonymes
Yellow-spotted triggerfish |
Bloch & Schneider, 1801 / NE / ITIS 173200 |
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2011 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2011 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) | nesting, 2011 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2012 Nakari (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | 2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2012 Nakari (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via GooglePhotos) | 2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) | 2013 Hurghada (Egypt) ©mda (via INaturalist) |
1999 Dahab (Egypt) by Richard Field (via fishbase) | 2014 Tulamben (Bali) by Scott Johnson (via fishbase) | 1999 Dahab (Egypt) ©Field, Richard (via fishbase) |
2004 Ras Um El Sid (Egypt) by Gianemilio Rusconi (via fishbase) | juvénile, Australie 2016 by John Sear (via Encyclopedia of Life) | jeune, Maldives ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
2015 Ras Mohammed (Egypt) by Lesley Clements (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2015 Ras Mohammed (Egypt) by Lovelyclemmy (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 2015 Bali by Lesley Clements (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
subadulte, 2009 Reunion by Philippe Bourjon (via Encyclopedia of Life) | aquarium (NL) by Albert Kok (via Encyclopedia of Life) | 1997 Maldives ©Randall, John E. (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Indo-Pacifiq | Baliste à rides bleues | tropical |
ovale allongé; queue en lyre; blue with or without yellowish scales in line on body
(selon âge) et motifs réticulés sur tête; lignes parallèles sous les yeux; soft dorsal, anal and caudal fins dark
with yellow to pink margins;
juveniles light brown with dark saddles and numerous dark wavy spots on the body; subadulte: spots get lines; spots on fins | ||
30-50m / <55cm | dioecism, fécondation externe, ovipare, monogame & distinct pairing, nesting (<mâle), ventilation & guarding (<both parents) | solitaire et craintif (sauf when nesting) |
Pseudobalistes fuscus |
Picasso | ||
Rhinecanthus assasi
2008 Hurghada ©Christine (via OZP) |
Rhinecanthus aculeatus
Enewetak (Marshall Islands) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Rhinecanthus rectangulus
1997 Waikiki (Hawaï) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Picasso | ||
Sufflamen | ||
Sufflamen chrysopterum
juvénile, 2016 Raja Ampat by Mark Rosenstein (via Encyclopedia of Life) |
Sufflamen bursa
1994 Kona (Hawaii) ©Randall, John E. (via fishbase) |
Sufflamen albicaudatum
1998 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) by Richard Field (via fishbase) |
Sufflamen | ||
MàJ 13/03/2023